I was going through some of my old emails today looking for some seminary notes I sent Pastor Steve on revival a few years back, and I stumbled upon another free resource for parents! This one is called "Real World Parents", and they have a couple of email newsletter options if you are interested. Here is the entry I put on the Parent Resources page of the BrizBlog (you can see a running list of all the resources I come across there):
Real World Parents with Mark Matlock
Mark Matlock is the "Team Leader" of Youth Specialties, a non-profit organization that equips Christian youth workers with ideas, training, books, games, and conferences. In addition to conferences for parents, Real World Parents has a weekly email newsletter with youth culture updates, conversation starters, and a little humor. They also have a daily prayer email that gives you a different 10 second prayer each day for your children. I realize that there are so many resources out there for parents that you might get overloaded, but surely you can fit a 10 second prayer into your busy day!